Varade kaitse

Seoses makseteenuse kasutajatelt või teiste makseteenuse pakkujate kaudu maksetehingute tegemiseks saadud vara kaitse nõuetega vastavalt kehtivatele õigusaktidele on Ria Payment Institution, E.P. S.A.U. otsustanud valida eraldi kontodel säilitamise süsteemi kooskõlas Euroopa Parlamendi ja Nõukogu 25. novembri 2015. aasta direktiivi 2015/2366 artikli 10 lõike 1 punktis a sätestatuga.

Safeguarding of funds

In compliance with the provisions of the regulations in force, in relation to the requirements for the safeguarding of funds received from payment service users or received through other payment service providers for the execution of payment transactions, Ria Payment Institution, E.P. S.A.U., has opted for the safeguarding system in separate accounts, under the terms established in article 10.1 letter a) of EU Directive 2015/2366, of the Parliament and of the Council, of 25 November 2015.