Fast and safe money transfers
Send to 500k+ pickup locations in 190+ countries and territories
Get the app35+ years of trusted experience
Send money in seconds to your loved ones across the world.
Feel secure knowing we’ve sent over a billion safe transfers.
Enjoy our no hassle 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Money where you need it
Send money for cash pickup at more than 500,000 locations worldwide. With over 100 currencies, better rates, and quick, stress-free transfers, Ria makes sure you get the most out of your money.
Convenient ways to send to 190+ countries
Send online
Use our website to check rates and send money from the comfort of home
Send with our app
Send and track your money transfers on the go with our mobile app
Send in person
Pay in cash at a store located conveniently near you
Try our secure and easy-to-use money transfer app
Send money on the go with the Ria app. Check for great rates, enjoy faster repeat transfers with a few taps, and find the closest payout and send locations from anywhere.
Get set up and save money on your next transfer!
Send money to over 190 countries
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