Send money to Brazil

Exclusive rates and £0 fee on your first transfer with code: HELLORIATerms and conditions apply.

The Brazilian instant payment ecosystem


Pix was created with the aim of reducing cash transactions and offering an alternative to existing payment instruments, such as bank slip or boleto and ATM, as well as being faster and more affordable.


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Wallets in Brazil

Send money to a wallet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vulputate metus sed dolor tempor, et tincidunt lacus pellentesque. Sed nec erat et est porta pulvinar nec vel eros. Nunc blandit tortor eu metus sodales, vel facilisis lacus finibus. Vestibulum condimentum purus non ipsum ullamcorper, non pulvinar justo elementum. Nulla pharetra pulvinar gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Our promotions

Two people smiling£0 fee on your 2nd transferUse the code RIAX2.